You are the heroine of your story

My Story

I consider myself a “recovering perfectionist.” I never felt good enough. For a long time , I sought external validation from others and believed I needed to “do” or “be” something to prove my worthiness. I was extremely hard on myself and didn’t believe I deserved love. I struggled with my body image, career, and attracting the wrong men in my life. In dating and relationships, I gave my power away and lost my identity. Deep down, I felt inherently “unlovable” and feared abandonment if they saw the real me. So I closed my heart off for years to protect myself from pain and rejection which only added to the feeling of isolation. Through working with a self-love/worthiness coach and counselor, I learned that everything I needed was inside of me and I didn’t need to “prove” myself to be deserving of love. I was inherently worthy just as I was and I want to help other women feel the same way. Each of us is beautiful, loveable, and deserving of every good thing in life. My mission is to give you the tools to transform your relationship with yourself so that you can reach your fullest potential and believe anything is possible for you. My education and teaching experience have provided me the opportunity to understand human behavior and the inherent magnificence within each of us. I look forward to hearing from you and assisting you on your self-love journey!



Julia Roman

Julia is a certified life coach, educator, and author. She is the creator of the Radical Self-Love Coaching program, the leader of the Radical Self-Love Collective, and author of 10 Steps to Self-Love: How to Fall in Love With Yourself and The Radical Self-Love Workbook. Her purpose is to assist you in creating the life you desire.

She is passionate about connecting with individuals and supporting their self-love and worthiness journey. In her spare time, she enjoys cycling, nature walks, and spending time with her 2 kitties.



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